Do you know any star volunteers?
Help us shine a light on their community service!
Nominations Are Now Being Accepted for the
2017/2018 Chatham County & NC Awards for Outstanding Volunteerism
The Volunteer Center of the United Way of Chatham County invites the public to nominate exceptional Chatham County adult and youth volunteers for recognition on the local level as part of the 2017/2018 Chatham County Outstanding Volunteer Awards Program. Up to ten volunteers will also be selected to be recognized on a state level by the Governors and NC Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service.
Individuals may be nominated for volunteer service in the following categories: Arts/Culture, Education/ Literacy, Environment, Health, Public Safety, Social Services, and Special Events. To download a nomination form, click here. Tips for writing effective award nominations can be found here.
Chatham County community members make up the local advisory committee that will review the nomination forms, select honorees and plan local recognition activities. They will also select Chatham County nominees to be considered for recognition on the state level.
Nomination Forms are due Friday, December 1.
For more information, please contact:
United Way of Chatham County Volunteer Center
Phone: (919) 542-1110 Email:
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