

211 Continues to be Essential Service for Chatham Residents

Day and night, the team at NC 211 talks to people who are experiencing hardship, feeling concerned about a family member, or simply need more information about resources in their area. As North Carolinians continue to feel the impacts of the pandemic, NC 211 serves as a consistent resource offering hope, comfort, and guidance. On February 11, United Way of Chatham County joined NC 211 in celebrating National 211 Day.

In 2021, NC 211 answered more than 160,000 calls, offering information about housing, utility assistance, healthcare, and more. These calls were answered by real people who are trained to identify and address root causes of a client’s problem. In Chatham, 53% of calls were for housing and shelter assistance, 20% were for utility assistance, and the remaining 27% of calls were related to COVID-19, employment or income assistance.  

NC 211 is funded locally through a partnership with United Way of Chatham County and the Chatham County Health Department. Chatham County Public Health Director, Mike Zelek, said he’s proud to partner with UWCC and co-sponsor this service for Chatham County residents.

“NC 211 is a valuable resource to our community, and to our public and nonprofit agencies that serve Chatham County,” said Zelek. “Providing information about health care resources, and services that address social determinants of health, helps us ensure better outcomes for those living in Chatham.”

With COVID-19 still circulating around the globe, NC 211 continues to be an increasing necessity as providers shift service hours and availability, with some adjusting hours or closing indefinitely.

“NC 211 has helped the community remain connected,” said Katie Childs, Executive Director of the United Way of Chatham County. “And now as we think about navigating life post-pandemic, we hope more individuals continue to use the tool as a direct connection to the services they need, and providers use it as a means to communicate program logistics and availability to clients.

“We are grateful for donors and corporate partners like Chatham County who help sustain NC 211 service in our community.”

NC 211 is also available online – visit nc211.org to search NC 211’s database of nearly 13,000 verified resources. After entering a search term and location, the website will display information about local programs and services. 


NC 211 is an information and referral service provided by United Way of North Carolina and supported by local United Ways across the state. Accessible via an easy-to-remember, three-digit number, families and individuals can call to obtain free and confidential information on health and human services within their community.

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