Help local children in need start the school year by providing a backpack filled with school supplies!
Backpacks, glue sticks, notebooks, looseleaf paper, hand sanitizer, rules, pencil cases, pens, crayons, pencils, binders, folders, paper, erasers, pocket kleenex – these are all welcome!
Donations will be accepted July 20 – August 7
Bring them to our office or to one of the collection sites listed below. Thanks!!
Collection Sites
- Siler City: Walmart, Virginia Cross Elementary School, & Western Chatham Senior Center.
- Pittsboro: Council on Aging Senior Center, Dept. of Social Services, Pittsboro Presbyterian Church, Realty World.
- Chapel Hill: Chapel in the Pines Presbyterian Church, Walmart on 15-501
For more information or to make a cash donation please contact:
Alane Coore