
Chatham County Outstanding Volunteers Awards Nomination Forms Now Available

United Way of Chatham County is accepting nominations for the Chatham County Outstanding Volunteer Awards.  If you know a volunteer who selflessly gives their time, talent and expertise to benefit Chatham residents, please consider nominating them for this special recognition.  Nomination forms must be submitted online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NFYQLHX by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 3, 2020.  Individuals may be nominated for volunteer service in the following categories: Veteran/Military Families, Youth, Disaster, Animals, NC Preservation, Environment and Health & Human Services.

Every day in Chatham County hundreds of volunteers donate their time and talent through nonprofit organizations, churches and schools.  “The amount of hours served by volunteers of United Way and its member agencies totaled an astonishing 81,179  last year,” said Alane Coore, United Way Volunteer Center Coordinator.  “This results in over 2 million dollars saved in salaries.  It is important to recognize volunteers for their efforts because they help nonprofit agencies to provide a level of service that they otherwise may not be able to provide.”

Chatham County community members make up the local advisory committee that reviews the nomination forms, selects the honorees and plans local recognition activities.  All nominees selected by the advisory committee will be recognized at the 2020 Chatham County Outstanding Volunteer Awards Ceremony, which is scheduled for Thursday, May 7, 2020.

The local advisory committee will also select Chatham County nominees to be considered for recognition on the state level.  The United Way of Chatham County Volunteer Center coordinates this effort with the NC Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service.   Those selected will receive recognition from the Governor, in addition to being considered for the Governor’s Medallion Award.  The Governor’s Office honors only twenty volunteers with the Medallion Award statewide and selects from nominees submitted by 100 counties.  A minimum of one year of volunteer service is required to be eligible to receive the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award.

For more information about the Volunteer Recognition Program, please contact United Way Volunteer Center Coordinator Alane Coore by phone at: 542-1110 or by email at: alane@unitedwayofchathamcounty.

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