COVID-19 Response Funded Programs
Emergency Food
Requests for emergency food assistance have substantially increased as a result of impacts from COVID-19. As county residents have been furloughed from work and schools have been closed, many families are facing food insecurity for the first time. As students navigate learning from home, they now depend on their caregivers to supply three meals, as well as snacks, seven days a week. This is a drastic change for nearly 50% of the student population because breakfast, lunch and snacks have been provided by the school system.
Funds to provide emergency food for families were distributed to the food pantries in Pittsboro (CORA) and in Siler City (West Chatham Food Pantry). This response funding will ensure that Chatham residents in need will be provided with nutritious food.
Food for Seniors
While some younger populations will be able to increase their public presence soon, our senior population will be among the last to do so because they are a high-risk group. After months of being at home, their pantry supplies are dwindling.
Funds to provide nutritious emergency food for seniors was distributed to the Chatham County Council on Aging.
Prescription Assistance
Prescription assistance needs have been on the rise in Chatham County since March. Clients whose medications were typically covered by health insurance obtained through their employer have found themselves out of work and having to make difficult choices.
COVID-19 Response Funds to provide prescription assistance were directed to Chatham Cares Community Pharmacy and Piedmont Health Services, ensuring that residents have access to essential medication.
Rental Assistance and Shelter for the Homeless
With the implementation of the state-wide stay-at-home order, a home has never been more important than it is now. COVID-19 Response Funds distributed to Chatham’s Salvation Army will provide rental assistance for families and hotel placement for the homeless. Ensuring that residents are safe indoors will provide a sense of safety and slow the spread of the Coronavirus.
Mental Health Services
Some of Chatham County’s most vulnerable populations are currently at higher risk of experiencing more significant stressors than ever before, while also facing new and unforeseen barriers to treatment. These unprecedented circumstances make telebehavorial health services critically important to our community. Funds to provide these virtual services have been distributed to El Futuro.
Childcare Services
Child Care provides a critical service to our economy and our society in the best of times. Child care provides parents with safe nurturing care for their children enabling them to work, fueling the economy and their family’s financial well-being. Child care provides children with consistent social and emotional support in an educational environment that promotes their growth and development, ultimately resulting in school readiness. During the COVID-19 pandemic, child care in NC has been called upon to maintain operations under strict emergency procedures to support essential working parents.
Response Funds to provide essential health and cleaning supplies to child care facilities in Chatham were directed to Partnership for Children.
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