
For Partner Nonprofits

 Applicants and evaluators may access their accounts by clicking the yellow button:

United Way of Chatham County Impact Grants are how we invest local dollars in our communities to address specific community-centered issues. Funding decisions are made through a competitive application process. Our Community Impact Grants are invested in high performing nonprofit organizations that provide programs and services aligned with our three strategic priority areas of Education, Financial Stability and Health.

United Way of Chatham County has three funding priorities: Health, Education and Financial Stability.

Like most organizations, we are challenged to meet the needs of our county and effectively drive change with limited resources. By investing strategically in a streamlined set of priorities that align with our organizational goals and through focusing more deeply on fewer issue areas, we aim to make a more meaningful and measurable impact in the communities we serve.

United Way donors volunteer to serve on a program review panel.  They read applications, make site visits to observe service delivery, and meet with agency representatives.  After a thorough evaluation, they work together to make funding recommendations for the review and approval of the United Way Board of Directors.

The funding application for the 2023-2024 year will be made available on Friday, January 20, 2023. The due date is 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 28. The funding period for approved programs is July 1-June 30.

In order to be considered for program funding from United Way of Chatham County, an organization must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency providing human service programs to Chatham County residents. They must also submit the following financial and legal documents, in addition to a completed United Way program request. Applications are due by February 28 every year.

1. 501(c)(3) Letter of Tax Exemption

2. Annual Audit or Financial Review (depending upon revenue level) 

3. IRS Tax Form 990 

4. Current North Carolina Solicitation License or Letter of Exemption 

5. Board-Approved Operating Budget

6. Most Recent Board-Approved Financials  

7. Financial Reserves Policy

8. Non-Discrimination Policy

9. Board Roster 

10. Code of Ethics/Conflict of Interest Policy 

11. Articles of Incorporation Filed with the State

12. Bylaws 

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