Do you know an exceptional individual whose volunteer contributions deserve recognition? Consider honoring their work by nominating them for the Chatham County Outstanding Volunteer Award. The United Way of Chatham County coordinates the nomination and award process to recognize those individuals who selflessly give their time, talent and expertise to benefit the residents of Chatham County.
Chatham County nominees will also be considered for recognition on the state level. The United Way of Chatham County Volunteer Center coordinates this effort with the NC Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service. Those selected will receive recognition from the Governor, in addition to being considered for the Governor’s Medallion Award. The Governor’s Office honors only twenty volunteers with the Medallion Award statewide and selects from nominees submitted by 100 counties. A minimum of one year of volunteer service is required to be eligible to receive the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award.
Click the link below to review eligibility criteria and to complete the fillable PDF nomination form. All completed forms should be emailed to Shelley Smith at Shelley@UnitedWayofChathamCounty.org no later than Tuesday, December 31.
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