
Karen Meredith Art Auction Press Release

Online Art Auction to Benefit United Way of Chatham County

Local, award-winning artist Karen Meredith donates 60 pieces for auction

The United Way of Chatham County is hosting an online art auction September 1 through September 17, with all proceeds benefitting United Way. Karen Meredith, a celebrated artist, Chatham resident, and United Way volunteer and donor, has generously donated 60 pieces of artwork to United Way for the auction. Items will go to the person offering the highest bid or who first offers the suggested retail price. To view artwork, place bids and purchase, follow this link: www.UnitedWayOfChathamCounty.org/auction/.

Meredith volunteered with United Way of Chatham County during the allocations process in the spring to review and analyze the programs vying for United Way funding. Her experience as a program evaluator prompted her decision to offer this fundraising opportunity to United Way.

“I was extremely impressed with the professionalism of their process,” Meredith said of the United Way’s funding allocations process. “It was as organized as any experience I had working for various Federal agencies.

“Their limited funds are being directed to the most important projects and capable programs. By using United Way as an oversight organization, they are acutely aware of the needs of the county. They can ensure that there is limited overlap of efforts and maximum collaboration with other agencies in the area.”

Over the years Meredith’s art has been showcased in more than 50 invited solo and juried shows around the country.  Meredith is primarily self-taught, and works mostly with oil and watercolor. Paintings from her father, Maurice LaReau, will also be featured in the auction. LaReau was an accomplished artist, graduating from Rhode Island School of Design, and teaching at Brown University, Pomfret Art School, and the Ft Lauderdale Institute.

“I am thrilled to be able to support United Way of Chatham County in this manner,” said Meredith. “Creating art is a joy and privilege for me. It’s satisfying knowing that it also can benefit an organization that is so adept at serving such a large number of people with great needs.”

The United Way of Chatham County serves one in three Chatham residents. Proceeds from the auction will benefit the United Way’s annual impact fund, which currently funds 23 programs managed by 16 nonprofit agencies that specialize in the education, financial stability and health of Chatham County residents. For more information on the agencies and programs funded by United Way, volunteer opportunities, or to make a donation, visit www.UnitedWayOfChathamCounty.org.

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