Ten Chatham County volunteers have been selected to receive recognition for their outstanding community service: Pamela Caruso, Kay & John Combest, Mary Dickerson, Ruth & Dick Flannelly, Edith & Joe Hammond, Hilary Murray and Larry Ross. They were also selected to receive the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award certificate from the NC Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service.
The United Way of Chatham County will recognize these local volunteers for their exceptional dedication and community service at the 2018 Chatham County Outstanding Volunteer Awards ceremony. The awards reception will be held on Thursday, May 3 from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the Chatham County Agriculture and Conference Center in Pittsboro. Refreshments will be served. The event is free of charge and everyone is invited. Community members are asked to RSVP by calling the United Way office at (919) 542-1110.
Diana Hales, Chair of the Chatham County Commissioners, will present the volunteer awards. Former Chatham County Commissioner Betty Wilson is the keynote speaker and will talk about the value of volunteerism. Sheriff Mike Roberson will serve as the Master of Ceremonies. “Everyone is invited to join us in celebration of the amazing spirit and generosity of our Chatham County volunteers,” said Alane Coore, United Way Volunteer Center Coordinator.
Chatham residents donated 81,265 hours of volunteer service to United Way and its member agencies last year. According to the Independent Sector, the most current hourly value of volunteer time is $24.14 per hour. This means that local volunteers donated work hours valued at more than 1.2 million dollars. “This community activism saves Chatham’s human service nonprofits in salaries and allows them to provide a level of service they could not otherwise afford,” commented United Way Board Treasurer Jim Sink.
“Volunteerism is an important part of the proud history of community service in Chatham County,” said Dina Reynolds, Executive Director of United Way of Chatham County. “It is our honor to recognize our neighbors who truly make a difference in the lives of others.”
Since 1998, United Way has coordinated the Chatham County Outstanding Volunteer Awards to recognize individuals who selflessly give their time, talent and expertise to benefit the residents of our community. Chatham County community members make up the local Volunteer Nomination Review Committee that reviews the nomination forms, selects the honorees and plans local recognition activities. The committee also selects Chatham County’s nominees to be considered for recognition on the state level. The United Way of Chatham County Volunteer Center coordinates this effort with the NC Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service.
For more information about volunteering in Chatham County, please contact Alane Coore, United Way Volunteer Center Coordinator at 542-1110 or visit the United Way of Chatham County website at www.unitedwayofchathamcounty.org
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