
Minnesota Housing Partnership (MHP) Presents Chatham County Housing Action Plan to Board of Commissioners

United Way staff attended the Chatham County Commissioners meeting Monday, May 6, and we heard from two of our partners – Minnesota Housing Partnership and Partnership for Children. 

Minnesota Housing Partnership presented the 2023 Chatham County Affordable Housing Plan to the Board, which has been in the works since 2023. United Way led Chatham Housing Collective is cited throughout the collaborative plan, and we look forward to continuing partnerships and increasing awareness and resources to residents and future residents of Chatham. For a current timeline of what the CHC has achieved since its 2022 inception, visit www.unitedwayofchathamcounty.org/housing. 

Chatham County Partnership for Children presented its fiscal analysis and gave an update on the state of early childhood education and childcare challenges they are facing. They have a great plan in place to improve the childcare crisis in Chatham County, which includes childcare employee subsidies to improve hiring numbers and retention. Visit their website to learn more. 

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