
Meet our new Impact Manager

We are delighted to introduce Daisy Butzer, the newest member of the United Way of Chatham County team! Daisy moved from her home state of Oklahoma to earn a Master of Public Health from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her skills in community engagement, program implementation, and evaluation planning will be instrumental to the role of Impact Manager. Daisy is also committed to addressing social determinants of health. We are excited to have her on our team as we work to increase resource efficiency and community resilience through the Chatham Housing Collective! In her free time, Daisy likes to go on walks around her neighborhood and try new cookie recipes (even if the cookies may not be good for public health). Welcome, Daisy!

Views: 173

2023/2024 Spirit of North Carolina Awards

Four Chatham Organizations Awarded State-Wide United Way Award

On Tuesday, April 23, community champions across the central NC region gathered at the Chatham County Agriculture & Conference Center for the United Way of North Carolina Spirit of North Carolina Awards. This annual awards ceremony celebrates individuals and organizations for their exemplary partnership demonstrated through fundraising and volunteer efforts, outstanding leadership, and creative team building.

United Way of North Carolina recognized 24 winners representing 6 local United Ways at the Central Regional event in Chatham. Four of those winners are from Chatham County.

The winners for Chatham are: Carolina Meadows, Investment in Long-Term Sustainable Impact; Chatham County, North Carolina Government, Investment in Long-Term Sustainable Impact; Governors Club, United Way Community Ambassador; and The Preserve at Jordan Lake Community, United Way Community Ambassador.

Spirit of North Carolina Award recipients meet specific standards of achievement and are selected by a team of United Way leaders from across the state. United Way of North Carolina leads the award nomination and judging process and presents the awards annually.
Many thanks to Pittsboro, NC Mayor Kyle Shipp for emceeing the event, and welcoming the winners and attendees to Chatham County and Pittsboro.

Chatham County Government – Investment in Long-Term Sustainable Impact

In the fall of 2023, Chatham County Government made a visionary investment in impact through the United Way of Chatham County when they awarded more than $357,000 to the Chatham Housing Collective, a program of United Way of Chatham County. Through this investment, Chatham County Commissioners and Staff leadership showed their commitment to collaboration as THE way to improve the lives of those experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity in Chatham County.

As the initial grantor of the Chatham Housing Collective they stand as beacon supporters of innovation and collaboration. By prioritizing funding for long-term solutions over short-term band-aids, the county has exemplified leadership in fostering sustainable change.

The grant funding supports increased access to case management services, programs to increase the availability of rental housing stock and efforts to enhance collaboration among Chatham’s housing providers – all with a focus of improving the client experience.  

This award celebrates Chatham County Government’s remarkable investment in the well-being of its community and acknowledges its pivotal role in driving positive transformation in the realm of housing and homelessness. With this recognition, we honor the county’s dedication, vision, and tireless efforts towards creating a more equitable and inclusive society for all its residents.

Carolina Meadows – Investment in Long-Term Sustainable Impact

Carolina Meadows stands as a shining example of philanthropy, demonstrating unwavering dedication to enhancing the quality of life for all Chatham County residents over the past 25 years and more. Their steadfast support of the United Way of Chatham County (UWCC) extends far beyond financial contributions, encompassing active involvement in volunteerism, events, and community outreach. This genuine commitment reflects a sincere desire to foster positive change throughout Chatham County.

As the first corporate investor in the United Way of Chatham County’s bold goal – ending and preventing poverty for 2,000 people in 2,000 days – they reinforced their support of UWCC and the belief that a bold goal is attainable when partners work together. Their investment inspired other businesses to follow suit with support.  

The collaborative approach of Carolina Meadows and proactive stance in addressing community needs have left an indelible mark on both the United Way of Chatham County and the Chatham community at large.

Governors Club – United Way Community Ambassador

The Governors Club community holds the record for raising the most money of any residential community across the state. In 2023, their exceptional campaign performance continued, thanks to the extreme support provided by more than 20 residents of the community leading the charge. The Governors Club POA also supported United Way via digital communications to residents, as well as supporting the United Way’s $100 by 100 business campaign. The Governors Club also hosted and donated ballroom space for the 2023 campaign kickoff celebration announcing the United Way of Chatham County’s new bold goal.

Governors Club utilizes a network of area captains to champion the United Way fundraising effort within their own streets/areas. Twenty-seven Governors Club area captains led the fall campaign, updating campaign fundraising signs around the neighborhood, writing personalized messages to neighbors in each area, making telephone calls to their neighbors and ensuring United Way received publicity in the neighborhood digital and print newsletters and magazines. Over 900 homes make up the Governors Club neighborhood, and the United Way campaign would be impossible without the extraordinary leadership provided by Governors Club’s area captains, and the annual support from the homeowner’s association. Through their generosity, compassion, and unwavering dedication, the residents of Governors Club have proven that by working together, we can truly change the lives of our Chatham neighbors.

Big Woods- Preserve – United Way Community Ambassador

The Big Woods- Preserve Campaign in Chatham County surpassed all expectations for its 2023 campaign, increasing by 432% over the previous year. This achievement is the direct result of neighborhood campaign leadership, increasing community engagement and the fostering of meaningful connections with neighbors.

This remarkable feat underscores the transformative power of community engagement and the ripple effects of meaningful connections forged between neighbors. Beyond the monetary value of their contributions, the residents of The Preserve have demonstrated the immense potential embedded within communities when individuals unite behind a common purpose. Their enhanced giving not only enriches the lives of those directly supported by the United Way’s initiatives but also serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for communities far and wide, demonstrating that when people come together, there is no limit to what can be achieved in the service of others.

Views: 247

Job Opening – UWCC seeking Impact Manager

Position:         Impact Manager

Hours:            40 Hours Per Week, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Salary:            Salary $48,000-58,000 with Competitive Benefits Package

 Send resume and letter of interest to United Way of Chatham County, PO Box 1066, Pittsboro, NC, 27312 or Katie@UnitedWayofChathamCounty.org. Open until filled.

 General Job Description: The Impact Manager is responsible for supporting United Way of Chatham County’s (UWCC) collective impact initiatives that align with the organization’s mission, vision and Bold Goal.

 Working with community partners of UWCC’s Chatham Housing Collective (CHC) program, the goal of this position is to assist in the coordination of already existing programs that are addressing housing to create an efficient flow of resources, referrals, and data collection/sharing. Working with community partners, this position will plan, support, measure and report community outcomes utilizing comprehensive community data. The Impact Manager will institute and sustain a culture of collaboration.

 Required Skills:

  • Experience working in a professional office.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office, especially Excel.
  • Minimum experience of 3-5 years leading collective impact and systems change activities.
  • Must possess excellent written and verbal communication skills, as well as strong interpersonal and facilitation skills to work with diverse groups of people.
  • Public speaking experience required.
  • Must be detail oriented with superior accuracy in work delivered.
  • Must possess strong organizational and project management skills with the ability to handle multiple tasks and prioritize.
  • Must be transparent, ethical and possess high integrity leadership skills.
  • Must be a self-starter with a positive outlook, and the ability to manage ambiguity and change in a fast-paced environment.
  • Must be able to climb stairs daily, and occasionally lift 15-20 pounds up and down stairs.
  • Must have own transportation and valid driver’s license. Some business travel within Chatham County is required.

Specific Duties:  Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Facilitate county-wide collective impact to address topics that threaten the resiliency and stability of Chatham families and individuals.
  • Actively cultivate relationships and develop strategic partnerships with community, public sector and corporate leaders to maximize UWCC’s leadership position in community impact efforts.
  • In collaboration with the Chatham Housing Collective members:
    • Lead the prioritization of strategies and goals, define desired metrics, and monitor progress toward community outcomes focused on housing.
    • Support the execution of previously identified goals and action items from the Chatham Housing Collective.
  • Coordinate and lead weekly and monthly meetings with service providers and the CHC. Ensure the distribution of meeting materials in a timely manner.
  • Facilitate systems mapping, documenting policy and system barriers, to include reference of available services for physical and website distribution.
  • In partnership with CHC Partners, develop a framework for a Chatham County Landlord Engagement Program and oversee implementation and ongoing management.
  • Coordinate ongoing training opportunities for CHC partner agencies.
  • Work with UWCC Executive Director to provide community education opportunities throughout Chatham to engage residents, elected officials and agency staff on the most pressing issues, as well as the CHC action planning goals, objectives and priorities, as well as the collective successes and opportunities.
  • Serve on committees, attend meetings in support of the CHC and United Way, as needed.
  • Collaborate with the United Way of Chatham County staff to provide data, client stories and supporting documentation for grant applications and marketing/communications.
  • Consistently demonstrate the values and mission of United Way.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

 Equal Employment Opportunity

United Way of Chatham County is an equal opportunity employer and applicants are considered for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, disability, or other legally protected status.

Views: 248

United Way Spirit of NC Awards

United Way of North Carolina’s annual Spirit of North Carolina Award celebrates organizations for their exemplary partnership demonstrated through fundraising and volunteer efforts, outstanding leadership, and creative team building. Additionally, organizations focusing on DEI values and individuals who are champions of United Way are also celebrated. March 1-3, United Way of North Carolina recognized 74 winners representing 17 local United Ways at three regional events, with the Central NC United Way agencies gathering in Chatham at the Agricultural Center Thursday, March 2. 

Kirk Bradley, Chairman, President and CEO of Lee-Moore Capital, and Karen Howard, Chair of the Chatham County Board of Commissioners, presented the awards. 

 Triangle Community Foundation – Investment in Long-Term Sustainable Impact

Triangle Community Foundation’s (TCF) ongoing support continues to allow United Way of Chatham County to make progress toward bold goals in the community. TCF is a major philanthropic leader in the Triangle region, providing training, grant funding and support to a wide range of non-profits. In the past year TCF strategically invested in United Way of Chatham County for a capacity building grant, allowing for strategic and full funding-model transition planning. Both activities will allow United Way of Chatham County to continue leading and convening the Chatham community in the most impactful ways. The strategic planning support has allowed United Way of Chatham to focus on Board recruitment, diversity, and development strategies.

TCF is not only a direct financial supporter of United Way’s long-term impact in Chatham County, but also an advocate for the organization’s work in the community. By including United Way in events and community conversations, they assist in connecting Chatham’s greatest needs to important networks and resources to spotlight the opportunity to volunteer, invest and work together for sustainable change.  

TCF showcases that by supporting United Way, so too is the Chatham Community at large. The Foundation has sponsored and participated in every Day of Service hosted by United Way of Chatham County. Their participation in this annual event allows their employees to connect with Chatham nonprofits, other volunteers and organizations, proving again their investment and commitment to understanding and addressing critical needs in Chatham County.

TCF is a strong, valued partner, leveraging their networks and resources so that together we can achieve more in our community.

 George Evans – United Way Community Ambassador

George Evans is a longtime supporter of United Way of Chatham County, serving as Board Member, Secretary/Treasurer, and leading the residential campaign at Carolina Meadows, which is successful year after year. In fact, George has supported the campaign in such a meaningful way that it has sustained contributions more than $100,000 for two consecutive years.

George advocates for United Way and promotes the impact the organization has in the community within Carolina Meadows, and its more than 500 residents. In 2022 he led two volunteer projects coordinated by United Way. He led a project filling more than 60 backpacks with school supplies for Chatham County School children, and a Day of Service project helping prepare more than 1,000 United Way campaign mailings. George is not only one of United Way of Chatham County’s most active volunteers, he has been generous with his time, talent and treasure for more than 10 years. It is with great gratitude United Way recognizes George Evans and his contributions to United Way and Chatham County at large.

Governors Club – United Way Community Ambassador

The Governors Club neighborhood holds the record for raising the most money in any residential community across the state. This year their exceptional campaign performance continued, which is only made possible by the extreme support provided by residents of the community leading the charge.

Governors Club utilizes a network of area captains to champion the effort within their own streets/areas. Twenty-eight Governors Club area captains led the fall campaign, updating campaign fundraising signs around the neighborhood, writing personalized messages to neighbors in each area, making telephone calls to their neighbors and ensuring United Way received publicity in the neighborhood digital and print newsletters and magazines. Over 900 homes make up the Governors Club neighborhood, and the United Way campaign would be impossible without the extraordinary leadership provided by Governors Club’s area captains, and the annual support from the homeowner’s association. The Governors Club community exemplifies what it means to be ambassadors for good and true change agents in Chatham County.

Chatham Hospital – Building Momentum and Sustainability Through Engaged Leadership or Employees

Chatham Hospital had a record-breaking campaign in 2022/2023. The hospital campaign saw the most donors in the hospital’s campaign history and more than doubled their number of donors over the year prior. In the midst of economic uncertainty and continued impacts of the pandemic on hospital employees, Chatham Hospital leadership is to thank for their success.

Allison Bolin, Director of Clinical Business Operations, and Kathy Brown, Human Resources Coordinator, championed the hospital campaign, providing strong leadership through weekly planning calls, events and general communication with C-suite leadership. Each hospital department had its own campaign champion, attending a virtual training, and utilizing a peer-to-peer fundraising platform via Qgiv so that they could individually fundraise with their teams. Weekly emails to their teams encouraged participation, and included United Way FAQs, program highlights and success stories.

Events coordinated by the hospital that helped create a buzz around the campaign included the presence of an ice cream truck at the hospital’s campaign kickoff. A pizza party was also given following the campaign to celebrate their success.

By placing the power of campaign success in the champion’s hands, we saw an increase in campaign ownership by each department champion, and a stronger drive from employees to compete in peer-to-peer fundraising leading to a record-breaking campaign. Health care professionals are not strangers to supporting their communities, however the 2022 United Way Campaign at Chatham Hospital went above and beyond the call of their duty.

Daniela Ceron, TCF Capacity Building, UWCC Executive Director Katie Childs, and Carla Abramczyk, TCF Senior Development Officer

Karen Monaco, George Evans and Katie Childs

Jeff Strickler, CEO Chatham Hospital, Katie Childs and Allison Bolin, Director of Clinical Business Operations for Chatham Hospital

Jim Butler, Janie Butler, and Stan Campbell – area captains for Governors Club – and Katie Childs

Katie Childs, Karen Howard, and Kirk Bradley

Views: 512

NC Governor’s Volunteer Awards

Do you know an exceptional individual whose volunteer contributions deserve recognition?  Consider honoring their work by nominating them for the Chatham County Outstanding Volunteer Award.  The United Way of Chatham County coordinates the nomination and award process to recognize those individuals who selflessly give their time, talent and expertise to benefit the residents of Chatham County. 

Chatham County nominees will also be considered for recognition on the state level.  The United Way of Chatham County Volunteer Center coordinates this effort with the NC Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service. Those selected will receive recognition from the Governor, in addition to being considered for the Governor’s Medallion Award.  The Governor’s Office honors only twenty volunteers with the Medallion Award statewide and selects from nominees submitted by 100 counties.  A minimum of one year of volunteer service is required to be eligible to receive the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award.

Click the link below to review eligibility criteria and to complete the fillable PDF nomination form. All completed forms should be emailed to Shelley Smith at Shelley@UnitedWayofChathamCounty.org no later than Tuesday, December 31.

Views: 587

2022 Day of Service

2022 Day of Service a Huge Success

The United Way of Chatham County (UWCC) hosted its third-annual Day of Service Tuesday, September 13. The event officially kicked off the annual fall fundraising season and connected 80 volunteers to community service opportunities in Chatham County. The Day of Service supported 9 in-person volunteer opportunities.

Community service projects for the day included: Boys & Girls Club Wren Family Center –facility beautification, computer installation, cleaning and organizing equipment and supply closets; Chatham Education Foundation – book sort and distribution; Chatham Habitat for Humanity – community build; Love Chatham – landscaping around the building; Carolina Meadows and United Way – fall campaign mailing preparation; North Chatham Elementary School PTA – school and community garden maintenance; and a dodgeball game at the Pittsboro Boys & Girls Club and Wren Family Center hosted at Horton Middle School.

Two projects are scheduled for a future date: door installation at Second Bloom to better serve clients, and the staining of a community garden fence at Chatham Trades. Carolina Meadows also hosted a pre-Day of Service project in August, packing bookbags for the Salvation Army’s school supply distribution event.
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United Way also held an online fundraiser during the Day of Service, encouraging those unable to volunteer to make a donation with a goal of $1,500. If you’d like to help United Way reach its Day of Service goal, make a donation at www.UnitedWayOfChathamCounty.org/DayOfService.

“Thank you to everyone who made the Day of Service a success this year!” said Katie Childs, UWCC Executive Director. “The Day of Service allows for teamwork amongst colleagues and clubs, networking with strangers, and learning about the unique and vital nonprofits that support the residents of Chatham.”

United Way of Chatham County thanks its 2022 Day of Service sponsors – without their support this event would not have been possible: Carolina Civilworks, Inc, WellCare, Triangle Community Foundation, and Realty World Carolina Properties – Eric Andrews. The Day of Service media sponsor was Chatham News + Record. A special thank you to North Carolina Ice Cream Catering – Ben & Jerry’s for providing the students of the Pittsboro Boys & Girls Club and Wren Family Center a sweet treat to enjoy during the dodgeball games.

United Way sends many thanks to the following volunteer teams: Triangle Community Foundation; Duke Energy; Rotary Club of Pittsboro; Briar Chapel Jewish Community Book Club; NC DPS; Chatham Council on Aging; Cackalacky; Chatham County Sheriff’s Office; Fearrington Village Garden Club; UWCC Board of Directors; and Carolina Meadows.

To view photos from the Day of Service, follow United Way of Chatham County on Facebook: www.facebook.com/UnitedWayofChatham. You can also subscribe to the monthly newsletter to keep up with what United Way is doing in the community: www.UnitedWayOfChathamCounty.org/newsletter.
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The United Way of Chatham County is the largest human services funder in Chatham County. UWCC funds 22 programs managed by its 15 nonprofit agencies that specialize in the education, financial stability and health of Chatham County residents. For more information on the agencies and programs funded by United Way, volunteer opportunities, or to make a donation, visit www.UnitedWayOfChathamCounty.org.

To view our Day of Service photo album on Facebook, CLICK HERE!

Views: 560

Save the Date!

Help kick off the 2022 UWCC Campaign at the Day of Service

Save the date for the largest community service event and volunteer day in Chatham County! The 2022 United Way Day of Service will once again kick off UWCC’s annual campaign, and will be held Tuesday, September 13. Join us and help celebrate our incredible Chatham community!

Last year’s Day of Service hosted 165 volunteers completing community service projects at 11 locations across Chatham County, and because of our sponsors and volunteer support, it was our best year, yet. We expect this year’s Day of Service to be even better.

If you are a nonprofit or organization wishing to submit a Day of Service project proposal, please click here for the online form.

If you are interested in being a sponsor, please contact Shelley Smith at shelley@UnitedWayOfChathamCounty.org. Click here to view sponsorship benefits.

Volunteer information and sign ups will be open to the public by early August.

To view photos from the 2021 Day of Service, click here

Views: 660

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