
United Way and Chatham County Funding Application Workshop

A workshop to review the Chatham County and United Way funding application, as well as the entire FY16 allocations process, will be held on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. It will take place in the Holmes meeting room of the Chatham Community Library, which is located on the campus of Central Carolina Community College in Pittsboro. The components of the application process, criteria used to evaluate proposals and the online application will be reviewed.

It is strongly recommended that all human service nonprofits planning to submit a request for funding attend this workshop. To ensure that there are enough handouts and instructional materials for everyone, please confirm your intention to attend by Friday, January 16 by email at uwaycc@emji.net.

Funding applications must be submitted online by February 28, 2015. A username and password are required to access the application website. Login information will be distributed to agencies applying for the first time during the workshop. The application will be accessible beginning Tuesday, January 20. Last year’s application can be viewed and downloaded from the homepage of the application website in both Word and Adobe formats at: funding.chathamnc.org.

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