
United Way Day of Service a Win for the Community

The United Way of Chatham County hosted the first ever Day of Service last Thursday, September 3. The event officially kicked off the annual fall fundraising season and connected more than 100 volunteers to opportunities to serve in Chatham County.

The day played host to nine in-person volunteer opportunities, three donation drop off sites and two virtual service opportunities that could be submitted on the United Way website. “Offering community service projects that covered a range of risk- from in person to completely virtual- gave residents the opportunity to participate in the way they felt most comfortable in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said United Way Interim Executive Director Katie Childs.

Community service projects for the day included: a donation drive for comfort items to be used by seniors at the Chatham Council on Aging; outdoor landscaping and improvement projects benefiting the Council on Aging, at both the Eastern and Western Senior Centers; a sidewalk improvement project at CORA Food Pantry; a school supply donation site at Chatham Trades, benefiting clients at Communities In Schools, Salvation Army and the Chatham Education Foundation; a housing construction project hosted by Chatham Habitat for Humanity; outdoor improvement projects at the Boys and Girls Club Wren Family Center; a photography project hosted by United Way; and a food drive hosted by Pugh Funeral Home and Chatham CARES Pharmacy, benefiting the West Chatham Food Pantry.

The Day of Service was sponsored by Carolina Civilworks, the Chatham News + Record, Realty World Carolina Properties and Triangle Community Foundation. Matt Green, Manager at Carolina Civilworks, said, “Community involvement is important to us because many of our workers live in Chatham County. We live here, work here and trying to give back to the community is just an important aspect of who we are at Carolina Civilworks.” This was evident in the fact that employees of Carolina Civilworks fully staffed the sidewalk rebuild project at CORA Food Pantry, providing a new, safe sidewalk to access the pantry from the parking lot.

“I want to give a special thank you to everyone who made this day a success. Thank you to the partners who hosted projects. Thank you to the volunteer teams from the community, Duke Energy, Carolina Civilworks, Chatham Hospital, the Chatham County Sheriff’s Office and Chatham County Government who did backbreaking work in the Carolina dog days of summer. Thank you to the event sponsors that helped publicize the event and fund projects and supplies necessary for the day. Thank you to everyone involved. Chatham County is a special place to live and work because of all of you,” said Childs. “We are excited that is wonderful event marks the beginning of our Fall fundraising campaign. I am hopeful it is an omen of all the good that is to come for Chatham County and its residents.”

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