
Ways to Give

Ways to Support United Way

The Impact of Your Gift


  • A bag of groceries for a family in crisis
  • Three days of after-school care with tutoring


  • A week of camp for an at-risk youth
  • A half day of in-home care for a frail or critically ill individual


  • One full week of daycare
  • Two weeks of daily transportation services for individuals with special needs

Click here to make an online donation now.

Gifts by check should be made out to the United Way of Chatham County and mailed to PO Box, 1066, Pittsboro, NC, 27312.

To make a credit card gift by phone, contact Alane Coore at (919) 542-1110.

AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of qualifying purchases when you select United Way of Chatham County as your chosen nonprofit. Click here to get started.

If your workplace conducts a United Way campaign, sign up for payroll deduction. If you work outside of the County, be sure to designate the United Way of Chatham County so your gift benefits your home! 

Many companies operate a matching charitable gift program for employees and retirees. You could double, or even triple, your gift to United Way if your employer matches their employees’ charitable contributions. Contact your company’s human resources department to take advantage of their matching gift program.

The SECC is the only workplace giving program authorized for payroll deduction for most state employees. Please be sure to designate the United Way of Chatham County so that your donation benefits your home. Chatham’s designation Code is 1410-000.

If you are mailing a donation, please include a note with the name and address of the person being remembered or recognized. We are happy to send a note to your honoree or their family to let them know that you remembered them in this special way.  If you are making your donation online, click the appropriate “Tribute Gift” box and fill out the requested information.

United Way of Chatham County accepts gifts of stocks and securities. For more information about making a donation of this kind, contact Alane Coore at (919) 542-1110.

United Way of Chatham County is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and contributions are tax-deductible. The tax identification number is 58-1897275.

Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at (919) 807-2214. This license is not an endorsement from the state.

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